Preservation of urban springs: an analysis of the implementation of the “water for the future” project in the municipality of Campo Grande (MS) from the perspective of water rights


  • Vanessa Taís Prass
  • Bruno Marini



Urban springs, Preservation, Water for the Future project, Scarcity and pollution


This article will address the main aspects inherent to the implementation of the “Water for the Future” Project within the scope of the Municipality of Campo Grande/MS, as an instrument to promote the preservation of urban springs in the municipality. Culturally, water is treated as an infinite good, however, it has been observed in recent years that this natural resource, essential for the subsistence of all living beings, has shown signs that it will not resist human interventions for much longer. Many impacts have already been observed, such as scarcity, the disappearance of springs and rivers, as well as the increase in water pollution rates, which is why it is necessary to urgently adopt environmental education measures capable of changing the perception and behavior of people and the Government in relation to the preservation of water resources, as well as measures to protect, preserve and recover those that are already degraded. The objective of the research is to analyze the importance of implementing projects such as Água para o Futuro, which require action by the government and communities in response to the urgent need to protect and preserve urban springs and water resources in general. As for the methodology, the deductive method was chosen, based on bibliographic and documentary research, analysis of regulations inherent to the Brazilian legal system, as well as theses related to the topic.


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How to Cite

PRASS, V. T.; MARINI, B. Preservation of urban springs: an analysis of the implementation of the “water for the future” project in the municipality of Campo Grande (MS) from the perspective of water rights. Magis Law Review, Betim, v. 3, n. 1, 2025. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14618277. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 mar. 2025.