The rupture with the patriarchy for the fight against all forms of violence against women


  • Érica Melicia da Silva Silveira Escola Superior de Advocacia da OAB/MG



Patriarchy; Feminism; Violence against women.


The issue of violence against women is a topic that cannot be dissociated from a discussion about the structure of a markedly patriarchal contemporary society, as well as the outbreak of feminist movements in order to break with this patriarchal structure in order to achieve an effective gender equality. For the purpose of the research, a juridical-sociological methodological aspect is adopted, and with regard to the type of investigation, the juridical-projective type was chosen in the Witker and Gustin classification. The main sources of the research comprise doctrinal texts, norms and other data collected in the research. In summary, the fight against violence against women is one of the most urgent agendas of the feminist movement, since it is an issue that affects life, dignity. There have already been some legislative advances on the matter such as the Maria da Penha Law and the recognition of Feminicide, however it is still necessary to improve the laws, and not only that, a cultural revolution is needed to question the structure of patriarchy, and the dichotomy currently existing between men and women, which presents harm to both genders, who are subjected to remain in watertight roles, which do not favor them, but only the social elite that tries to maintain the status quo.


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How to Cite

DA SILVA SILVEIRA, Érica M. The rupture with the patriarchy for the fight against all forms of violence against women. Magis Law Review, Betim, v. 2, n. 1, 2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8335568. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 oct. 2024.