
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is unpublished, original and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor". With the exception of invitations to republish articles.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format. (.doc or .docx)
  • I have the rights to the submitted text or authorization to submit the text to the journal
  • Where available, URLs for references have been provided.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Author Guidelines, on the About the Magazine page.
  • I understand that files that do not follow the formatting guidelines will be rejected out of hand and not forwarded for evaluation.

Author Guidelines

Publication standards

Articles, essays, comments and reviews submitted for publication in the Revista Magis de Direito must be submitted via the OJS system. If you have any questions, please contact us via email

Articles, essays, comments and reviews submitted for publication in the Revista Magis de Direito can be written in a foreign language (Spanish and English). Works in a foreign language may maintain the original editorial rules, corresponding to local customs.

A second copy of the article, entitled “blind”, is welcome, especially in the case of academic works that constitute a continuation of previous research by the author(s), avoiding the presence of references that the author(s) identify(m).

With the exception of exceptional cases of publication by invitation, the minimum title of the main author of the articles to be submitted for evaluation will be Master's Student.

The journal will publish research by undergraduates and graduates as long as they are co-authored with at least one master or doctor in the field of Law.

Research submitted to the journal may be co-authored by a maximum of 3 (three) co-authors.

All the publication rules, indicated below, are mandatory and no text will be evaluated without having previously fulfilled them.

The reference system adopted by the journal is footnotes.


Section default policy

Privacy Statement

Revista de Direito Magis is committed to respecting your privacy and security, within the strictest Internet security standards. In this sense, in line with the European GDPR and the LGPD, this privacy policy has been developed to provide users with an assertive understanding about the treatment of data provided and/or collected during the use of the journal.

Data collected: When registering for the Open Journal Systems (OJS) system for the first time, you will need to provide some personal information, such as name and email address (mandatory information will be identified by an asterisk*). This data will be stored on the Revista de Direito Magis data server so that You can use the available materials and resources, as well as be informed of new publications.

Use of information collected: User registration data will be collected and kept under the strictest confidentiality and are used only for the purpose of providing access conditions to the platform for the purpose of submitting articles, case law comments and reviews to the journal. With the information collected, we aim to:

01. Identify the contents accessed and submitted;
02. Ensure that submissions are properly correlated;
03. Allow the sending of information about publication procedures;
04. Allow the sending of announcements about the publication of new issues; It is
05. Guarantee any audit of editorial processes, including the integrity of communications and evaluations.

Sharing of collected information: The Revista de Direito Magis does not share, sell or lend its database to any other company, institution or association. The User's personal data will not be used for purposes other than those related to the administration and management of the Website and the Magazine.

However, in cases where (i) Revista de Direito Magis is required by law to inform the competent authorities about facts, information and/or data entered by you on the Website, (ii) information is requested by an order issued by a competent authority in the fulfillment of its legal attributions (both in your country and in other jurisdictions), or (iii) there are violations or suspected violations of this Privacy Policy or the law, Revista de Direito Magis may make available your data that is stored in our systems. In all cases, however, Revista de Direito Magis undertakes to reveal information limited to the minimum necessary to achieve the required purposes.

Safekeeping of collected information: Any information provided by You will be collected and kept under the strictest confidentiality and in accordance with strict security and reliability standards.

Revista de Direito Magis adopts security levels within the legal requirements for the protection of Users' data and the company makes the best efforts to maintain the integrity of the information that is provided, which is why it is not responsible for damages resulting from access made possible by misuse. of the User or by improper access by third parties.